Michael Georgeson is a visual communicator and creative problem solver specializing in graphic design, animation, and illustration. He lives in Philadelphia with a dog and a cat.

Yahoo Pride Month Logo Redesign


Animation and Motion Graphics Reel

Illustrations for The Creative Mathematics Teacher’s Book of Lists

Whoa There Tiger

Drexel Brands

Black History Month Portraits

Photo Restoration

Dragons Stay Connected

Pronoun Buttons for Every Body

Drexel Homecoming

100 Years of Cooperative Education

Resilience Campaign

Drexel Campus Tour Guide

PJ Library Animated Storybooks

Drexel Informational Animations

Drexel Welcome Week

The Future of Work is Building Connections

Filth Risograph

Drexel Event T-Shirts

My Boo Gocco Valentine

Nurses Week

Drexel Online Masters of Science in Nursing Infographic

World Carnival Invitation

MIT Annual Fund 75th Anniversary

MIT Thank You Card

MIT Mascot Temporary Tattoo

Managing Model-Based Design Book Design

MATLAB EXPO Conference Materials

The Most Astounding Fact

Manchurian Candidate

Princess Problems

So Fast

Rogue Burlesque

Circus Freaks

Rock Band Editing

A Stern Warning For The Future Poster Series

Rock Band Character Creator Assets